Once this masonry brick oven is delivered, you'll be able to finish it with the style that matches your culinary creativeness. Since the pizza oven is masterfully built to perfect specs for cooking, you won't need to spend months attempting to build a DIY Wood Fire Pizza Oven that may not work as expected.
IMPORTANT: On the day of delivery you will be required to provide a forklift or Bobcat to offload your unit from the truck.
The smoke chamber exhausts through a Double flue liner up to 14” in diameter depending on the overall height, or alternatively through a double-wall flue liner with reduced clearance to combustibles. A clay flue liner is an option and can top the chimney and a flue liner terminates inside the clay flue liner. The clay flue liner or double wall pipe is topped by a spark arrester/chimney cap.
The exterior of the oven is covered with a ¼” magnesium oxide board and wrapped with fiberglass reinforcement, then scratch-coated with ¼” to 3/8” mix of 2 parts Type M mortar and 3 parts mason sand. Municipal codes may vary. Round Grove Products recommends the chimney terminates at least 24” higher than any structure within a 10’ radius.
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