If you’re looking for a professional-grade pizza oven to power your food truck or catering business, the Maximus Prime PRO Large Pizza Oven is the perfect choice for you!
This oven is the ideal size and power to handle commercial-level demand. Crafted with superior European engineering, this wood-fired oven boasts an impressive double wall of stainless steel construction for unrivaled durability and protection. It is bonafide fire-breathing machine that can heat up in just 30 minutes and cook exquisitely-crafted pizzas in three minutes flat! The floor is built with refractory floor tiles, making sure your pizza is perfectly cooked all the way through.
This wood-fired oven is handmade in Portugal. Not only does it cook pizzas in three minutes or less, but you can use it to roast chicken, vegetables, casseroles, desserts, and bread.
The outer wall is Aluminum and the inner wall is Stainless Steel (double wall) containing a high-temperature special ceramic blanket. Highly resistant to salt and sea corrosion, this oven also features a refractory floor tile and a decorative façade brick made of refractory cement (Lafarge). Forging iron on the inside structure enables the oven to stay hot on the inside for hours while staying cool on the outside. And each oven comes with an amazing complimentary Portuguese ceramic baking dish.
Your customers will be impressed with the perfectly cooked pizzas every time – so look no further than the Maximus Prime PRO Large Pizza Oven for your business. Get the reliability and performance you and your customers deserve.
Why Choose a Stainless Steel Pizza Oven?
Unlike a brick oven, a stainless steel pizza oven heats up in 30-45 minutes so you can fire it up while you work on getting the pizza ready. Handmade in Portugal, this oven produces superb wood-fired pizzas as well as any other dish you can imagine! The larger cooking floor multiple pizza pies at a time and they will cook to perfection in less than 3 minutes.
At a manageable weight of only 300 pounds, this is the perfect commercial pizza oven for mobile food truck businesses, caterers, pizza parties, small restaurant businesses, backyard birthday parties, corporate events, trailers, and fairs. Much less expensive than a pizza trailer and light enough to move around - even fits in the back of most cars. You can’t go wrong - optimize your business with this economical oven.
You can read our review of the Prime Wood Fired Oven here!
Included Free With The Oven:
Authentic Pizza Ovens is the recipient of the Best Wood-Fired Oven
Producer in the US! Awarded by LUXlife Magazine for three consecutive years! ⭐️
We've found that our Maximus Prime Pizza Oven creates a family cooking atmosphere because, unlike a grill that involves one person doing all the cooking, this large pizza oven lets all family members get involved from firing up the oven to food preparation to cooking delicious meals.
Cooking in the Maximus Pizza Oven (note: the oven shown in the video below is the smaller Maximus Arena)
Breakfast Casserole Cooking in Prime Pizza Oven
We don't like wasting good heat in our wood-burning ovens so after the pizzas are cooked, we often throw in a good breakfast casserole in preparation for the following morning! Here's a video of a scrumptious southwestern breakfast casserole complete with eggs, cheese, and salsa! Check out the large cooking space!
Here's another video showing a couple of pizzas cooking in the Maximus Prime oven.
Read Authentic Pizza Ovens Warranty here
All our ovens REQUIRE "all-weather" protection from rain, sleet, and snow, fallen leaves, and protection from the harsh elements when not in use. If you don't have a cover, you can find the Prime Oven Cover here that fits snugly over the oven and secures with a pull tie. These are beautiful ovens that are meant to last for a very long time, but you must take care of it.
Hello, will Maximus pizza ovens make Hybrid pizza ovens in the future. I want to have the ability to cook with a propane or wood. Tha k you
As of right now, we are still researching the most efficient burners that are compatible with the design of our Maximus ovens. We are not yet sure as to when we are launching a new hybrid product but we are hopeful to get one soon!
Use the following resources to help you purchase the best pizza oven for your family