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Cazo Fire Pit - Narrow Ledge Stainless Steel


Ignition: Match-Lit

Add Ambiance and Warmth with the Cazo Fire Pit  

A backyard pool is the perfect place to relax and escape the summer heat. And what could make it even more inviting than adding a luxurious fire bowl? The Cazo Fire Pit Narrow Ledge Stainless Steel is a unique and stylish fire pit that is sure to turn heads.

With Its modern stainless steel look and sleek, brushed finish these beautiful centerpieces add all the benefits of having a backyard oasis.

The Outdoor Plus Cazo Fire Pit is handmade in the USA, so you can be sure it's of the highest quality. Whether you're looking for a conversation piece or a way to cozy up on a cool evening, the Cazo Fire Pit Narrow Ledge Stainless Steel is a perfect choice. So buy your pool fire pit today and start enjoying all the relaxation and beauty that comes with it.

Key Features:
  • Fire Pit Material: Stainless Steel
  • Pan Material: 304 Stainless Steel
  • Burner Material: 304 Stainless Steel
  • Standard 2" Depth on all pans

Stainless Steel Cazo Fire Pit Narrow Ledge Specifications

  • Diameter: 48"
  • Height: 15"
  • Burning Area: 42"
  • Base Diameter: 24”
  • Weight: 155 Lbs.
  • BTU: 160,000
  • Sugg. Fire Glass: 100 lbs.
  • Cazo Fire Pit Specification Guide

    Ignition Type Option

    MODEL Match-Lit Match-Lit Flame Sense Flame Sense Spark Ignition Plug & Play Low Voltage
    IGNITION TYPE Manual Manual Spark Ignition Electronic Electronic
    GAS TYPE LP or NG LP or NG LP or NG LP or NG LP or NG
    • (R) | Suitable for Residential Use Only
    • (P) | Poolside-Ready
    • (RC) | Suitable for Residential and Commercial Use


    (P) / (RC)

    (P) / (RC)


    (P) / (RC)
    POWER SOURCE Manual Manual AAA Battery 110V 12V
    KEY VALVE Manual Key Valve Integrated Key Valve Integrated Key Valve Integrated Key Valve Integrated Key Valve
    Automatic Shut-Off Manual Shut-Off Manual Shut-Off Manual Shut-Off
    Additional Information You will need a gas valve such as a chrome key valve to be installed to light the burner. To operate, turn the key to the ON position and ignite the gas with a match, taper, or lighter. The flame can be adjusted and turned off with the key valve. This ignition type works like the standard Match Lit systems but includes technology that monitors the flame. The gas supply is automatically shut off if the flame goes out accidentally to prevent a dangerous gas build-up. Spark Ignition systems use batteries to ignite the flame with a button on the fire pit's control panel. They also feature Flame Sensing technology that automatically shuts off the gas supply if the flame goes out unexpectedly. This Standard Voltage Electronic Ignition is suitable for fire pits in locations with power access, but not near water. These systems have Flame Sensing and will automatically relight if the flame goes out. Low-voltage Electronic Ignition systems are recommended for installations near water features, fountains, and pools. This system includes Flame Sensing, which will automatically relight the flame if it gets blown out.
    User Manual Match Lit Ignition Manual Match-Lit Flame Sense Manual Flame Sense Spark Ignition Manual Plug & Play Manual Manual 12V Electronic Ignition Manual

    The Cazo fire pit is a great way to add some style and sophistication to your outdoor space. If you're ready to turn your pool experience into an unforgettable splashing good time, consider adding the Cazo pool fire pit today! You won't regret making this simple yet impactful change to your backyard oasis.

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