Round Grove Largo Outdoor Fireplace FP1800

SKU: FP1800
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Round Grove Products
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Enjoy a hearthside retreat with the Largo Outdoor Fireplace

Enjoy a fire anytime in your backyard—a hearthside retreat with glowing embers, the aroma of wood smoke, and the warmth of a roaring flame. Built one-at-a-time in America with American resources and American labor.

Round Grove fireplace and Brick Oven products are made from 18-gauge galvanized steel U-channel framing, with glass-fiber reinforced sheathing and factory-applied scratch-coat on all sides. They not only feature heavy-duty steel construction, but are resistant to corrosion, are noncombustible, and are built with inert materials so there is no rotting, swelling, or rusting.

This fireplace kit can easily be finished with your choice of stone or brick veneer to match your home or building exterior. Because it's lighter than masonry block or other pre-cast brick ovens, it comes pre-assembled as a single-piece unit and requires no separate footer foundation.

IMPORTANT: On the day of delivery you will be required to provide a forklift or Bobcat to offload your unit from the truck.

Largo Outdoor Fireplace FP1800 Features

  • 63 1/2′′ W x 30 1/2′′ D x 119′′ H
  • Firebox: 51′′ W x 21′′ H x 24′′ D
  • Weight - 1275lbs
  • 18-Gauge galvanized U-channel framing with glass-fiber reinforced sheathing and factor-applied scratch-coat on all sides.
  • Heavy-duty steel construction, corrosion resistant, non-combustible, and are built with inert materials.
  • Real, pre-installed firebrick rather than a precast refractory insert that is prone to crack.
  • Built to UL127 material standards

IMPORTANT: Please note these units arrive standard with JUST a scratch-coat on the exterior if you do not choose the “with Stone Finish” option.

Kindly note that these stones may vary in color and size, and may not look exactly like in the photos.

Largo Fireplace Specs

This outdoor fireplace is constructed of 18 gage galvanized u-channel frame (3551A-G70 and 3551A-G10) with top and bottom plates. The steel is connected with Philips #2 Zinc Plated Wafer Head Self Drilling Screws. Steel studs are spaced between 12”and 16” on center throughout each wall frame.

The firebox is structurally supported by a plinth made of 18 gage galvanized u-channel framing and ½” thick high density structural magnesium oxide board; class A1 fire rated CE-EN12467 & EN13501; ½” x 48” x 96” as a backer board behind the firebrick (Buff Fire Brick, manufactured to meet ASTM C 27 (Low Duty) and C 1261).

Full firebrick is laid on the floor of the firebox and split firebrick are laid on the walls of the firebox. The hood inside the firebox is made from 18 gage G70 galvanized sheet metal. The grout between the joints is refractory mix #50 Gray, FXC240, High-strength, polymer and proprietary additive enhanced, lightweight dry cement mix.

The firebox exhausts to the chimney through a transitional smoke chamber made of 18 gage galvanized steel. The smoke chamber exhausts through a Double flue liner up to 14” diameter depending on the overall height, or alternatively through a double-wall flue liner with reduced clearance to combustibles.

The exterior of the fireplace is covered with a ¼” magnesium oxide board and wrapped with fiberglass reinforcement, then (scratch-coated with ¼” to 3/8” mix of 2 parts Type M mortar and 3 parts mason sand. Municipal codes may vary.

Round Grove Products recommends the chimney terminates at least 24” higher than any structure within a 10’ radius. Every site has different soil conditions. As a general rule of thumb, Round Grove Products recommends setting their fireplaces and brick ovens on a minimum 6” slab. Some conditions may require sonotube piers on the four corners; other conditions may require a deeper footer depending on frost line or the weight of finish overlay.

Round Grove Largo Outdoor Fireplace
Specifications Guide

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