Pizza Oven Brush with 39-inch Handle | Chicago Brick Oven

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Chicago Brick Oven
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This wire pizza oven brush is essential for cleaning up your wood-fired brick oven. Once your oven is fired up to the desired cooking temperature and you've pushed your fire to the back, use the wire brush to sweep away the ashes and extra embers.

If cheese from a pizza or sauce from a roast spills onto the hearth, simply use it to push some glowing coals over the spills and they’ll disappear.

With this brush's 39” handle, you’ll be able to reach the back of your oven and keep your hands away from any hot coals. This pizza oven brush is perfect for use with the CBO Americano, CBO-500 and CBO-750 ovens but is not recommended for use with CBO-1000 ovens.

Order the CBO Aluminum Pizza Oven Brush today!

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